Sunday, October 7, 2007

Brooke Marshall-Occupation: xtreme sports lenswomen

Brooke's becoming quite the photographer. I was in need of a photographer for all my special moves, but did not have the budget to pay for a powerful lensman.

I'm just grateful she is able to document these special moves.

Joking aside the b.s.t.s. is pretty cool...seriously folks, right?



Warde said...

is that a b.s.t.s. on the surfboard mate ? hey is that a weeman at the skatepark? ill see you soon

sweetb said...

omg. btstbsrsbsb... bad ass, micah. love the abbreevs.... just so you know, justin put the registration in the glove department of my new car.. and we sold the jeep to some little teenagers who had 5K in CASH??? i just said, leave it in the center council. lol. miss you guys!!!